Business Ideas That You Can Start From Your Bedroom

Do you have a special skill that you could put to work for other companies or individuals? If you have worked at a marketing agency as a graphic designer, you could start offering graphic design services directly to clients or through their agency.

Starting a business isn’t cheap, and that’s what many people look for ways that they can limit costs in getting started. That way, they will be able to use their earnings to finance more capital-intensive expenses and investments. That’s why a work from home business is often the best way to get off the ground. However, not all business models are suitable for the work at home entrepreneur.  In this article we explore business ideas that’ll work from home, but that also have the potential to scale.


Do you have a special skill that you could put to work for other companies or individuals? If you have worked at a marketing agency as a graphic designer, you could start offering graphic design services directly to clients or through their agency. The same applies if you’re an accountant, lawyer, party planner, manager or consultant. 

This business model is perfectly suited to a work from home lifestyle. All you will need is a computer, internet connection, phone and perhaps some tools of the trade.  What’s more, this business model is also a great way to build assets that will be useful as you look to scale your business.

You’ll be able to start taking on other people with the same expertise as you, move into an office, and take on more work than you could handle on your own. With freelancing, you should make sure your clients don’t become too reliant on you.  That way, when your business grows, and you pass on their account management to another member of staff, they’ll be okay about it.

Internet Advertising

As a work at home entrepreneur, the internet probably creates more opportunity than almost anything else.  One of the most popular methods of making money online is in the field of online advertising.  In the online media business, large companies such as Google and Yahoo will sell your advertising for you and give you a healthy peace of the action. Also, e-commerce companies such as Amazon will pay you money for each visitor you send to their site that goes onto buy something when they are there. 

Therefore getting paid money for traffic is easy, even without a sales force, all you need is a cost effective traffic acquisition strategy.  When you’re working from home you’ll be able to use the services of web design agencies and internet marketing agencies to avoid the need to take on staff from the start.


One of the most popular careers for the work at home businessman is selling items on Ebay. It can be possible to turn over a healthy amount of money if you pick your niche wisely and are able to acquire inventory in a cost-effective way.

That can often be a great way to get started, and can remain an integrated part of your long-term strategy.  However, you should also look to get your own e-commerce website developed. That way you’ll be able to build your brand, build your customer base, and manoeuvre away from Ebay and their pesky seller fees!


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