10 Ways Singing Can Change Your Life!

Singing is a totally free, fun, and safe way to enhance your health, positive attitude, and sense of well-being!  Everyone can sing, we’ve been singing from birth, and the benefits of singing are well documented.  Singing makes you feel fantastic!

If you love to sing, then you’re already aware that singing is fun, energizing, and a great stress reducer. But if you’re one of the millions who claim “I can’t sing!” then I suggest that you consider singing as an absolutely free, non-prescription, safe and effective life-enhancing tool. If you’re facing physical, emotional, or mental challenges, or if you just want more peace and happiness, here are 10 ways singing can change your life!

1. Promotes deep breathing!
As you begin to use ‘full body breathing’ with a relaxed, soft belly, you allow the diaphragm to drop down, giving the lungs the freedom to expand more fully.  Relaxed abdominals are essential for proper breath support while singing.  I like to think of ‘filling up like a balloon when I sing. This gives firm, active breath support and allows for deep, full breathing.  Singing promotes slow, deep, healthy breathing.

2. Oxygenates the blood!
As you use full body breathing, you are bringing in a greater volume of air.  Oxygen floods the blood system, bathing the cells in life-giving oxygen.  You will feel more alive as you breathe deeply and fill yourself with energizing oxygenated air!  Singing oxygenates the blood!

3. Stimulates brain activity!
Singing requires thought.  You are memorizing lyrics, melodies, and rhythms, as well as connecting words with emotion.  Your ‘singer’s breathing’ technique is bringing more oxygen to the brain.  Your brain’s neurons are firing furiously as you are integrating the physical, emotional, and psychological functions necessary for joyful singing!  Singing stimulates brain activity!

4. Releases feel-good endorphins!
All this physical, neurological and emotional activity serves to release those ‘feel-good’ hormones called endorphins.  So not only is your audience benefiting from your lovely voice but you are being flooded with happy hormones that give you a sense of peace and well-being.  Singing feels fantastic because it releases ‘feel-good endorphins!

5. Reduces stress!
When you feel good, your stress level goes down.  Endorphins help diminish stress and agitation.  By using deep, full-body breathing you slow the heart rate and take your mind off of unwanted anxiety. The next time you feel stressed or overwhelmed, take a full body breath, and break out singing! Your stress will fly away as you reap the benefit of joyful singing!

6. Builds self-confidence!
Speaking in public is still the #1 fear for Americans.  Singing ranks right up there for most of us. Singing is a risk-taking behavior because you’re putting yourself out there in a very exposed way.  It dredges up all our insecurities and self-imposed limitations.  

When you dare to share your voice and music, a fantastic thing happens. It’s like walking through fire. You overcome your fear and emerge with an incredible sense of accomplishment.  You did it!  Your self-esteem soars and you feel that you can do anything!  Singing builds self-confidence in a BIG way!

7. Enhances memory!
Singing involves memorization as you learn new melodies, lyrics, and complex musical forms.  It’s a great way to stimulate the areas of the brain involved with memory, learning, and concentration.  Use it, or lose it!  Singing is a great way to enhance your memory!

8. Boosts creativity!
As you build your self-esteem and stimulate your artistic soul, you’ll find that all areas of your life are positively affected by the act of singing.  Suddenly you’ve opened the floodgates of your creative soul, and you begin thinking outside the box!  Your productivity soars!  By tapping into your creative reservoir you become more alive and innovative!  Singing boosts creativity!

9. Creates a powerful speaking voice!
If you’re a speaker, presenter, teacher, clergy, or in any sales-related business (aren’t we all??), you will benefit from learning to sing. Your voice is your instrument, no matter what you do in life, and singing gives you the skills to speak in a natural, powerful, confident voice.  Everyone benefits from proper singing techniques.  You’ll discover your ‘true’ voice that will reveal your confident, authentic self.  Finding your voice is a joy.  Singing creates a powerful speaking voice!

10. Makes you feel fantastic!
Singing makes you feel self-assured, in control, physically alive, and fantastically creative.  It feeds your soul as it creates physical well-being.  With increased self-confidence, you can do anything!  Physical, mental, and emotional health is a great side effect of singing.  There’s no doubt about it, singing makes you feel fantastic!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Beth Lawrence is the author of “7 Principles for Vocal Mastery”, a singing system that takes a holistic approach to voice coaching and therapy honoring the connection of body, mind and spirit. Beth is the CEO of Viva La Voice!, a company offering private and online coaching for singers, songwriters, and presenters in all walks of life.

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