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Time Travel In The Business World

 Author: GICANIRO I  Category: African Authors, Business, English, International, Motivation, Nonfiction, Success  Publisher: Rwanda Writes Inc.  ISBN: 1001001002024  Country: Rwanda  Language: English  Download

The time zone you live in determines how fast you become successful, or a failure – whether you become wealthy or poor, whether you’re enjoying life or feel miserable, whether educated or ignorant, impactful or dormant.”

This is another great inspirational book by Gicaniro I. It makes the reader examine their well-being, measure it, and then decide to improve it for the better.

It makes you wonder about the time zone you’re living in, is it the past, the present, or the future?

He makes it more interesting by pointing out how some of us could be trapped in past years judging by the life style standards we still live by. While, at the same time, others are far ahead into the future.

If you are curious, read it for yourself.

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